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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Options Door Gates of Good and Qualified

Options Door Gates of Good and Qualified

In this case, the confusion to select the gate, or something for protection, conservation and development interests. In this product in the gate operator is different, which is used in many homes and buildings for safety and ease of installation of this door operator.

First, the Apollo 1500 Single Gate Operator swing, Apollo 1500 easily installed on most new impetus to the door or up to 16 meters long and 600 pounds. 1500 using the best model for the maternal, a note from the chimney.

Second, the Apollo 1600 Gate Operator Dual swing, Apollo 1600 easily installed on most new impetus to the door or up to 16 meters long and 600 pounds, as well as additional material for the fireplace screen lock, siren and strobe lights.

Both of the above type there are many more types of apollo gates that you can install with ease.

Pictures taken from the site

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