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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Introduction to Writing Ebooks

E-books are a great market to mine for additional Internet revenue. They sell well and they are exceedingly easy to deliver. With the system we've provided you should be able to spin out a 100 page ebook in three to five weeks, two to three if you're really fast.

Once you write an ebook, you can sell it for $20.00 or more. Imagine selling 100 copies of a $20 ebook, that's $2,000. Of course, you might sell less than that, but the point is that once it is written, you can sell as many copies as you want, since they are electronic. Every copy is basically pure profit because you don't have to pay shipping and handling fees to ship a paper copy of the ebook.

Internet marketers like to sell e-books on a sales page that highlights all the benefits found within the ebook. They may even give away a copy of a free report to entice people into buying the ebook. Within the free report, they will provide a teaser that gets people interested in the full product. Don't forget that if you do create an ebook, that you can still use it to market other products. It doesn't matter that someone paid for an ebook and they get advertising within it, as long as it is not the entire ebook. You should provide a good value for your customer so that they don't feel like they've been cheated. However, that doesn't mean you can't put in a few promotional paragraphs for other products you sell or even some affiliate links in various places. This way, even after they buy the ebook, you are still marketing the customer for further sales.

What's fun about e-books is that you can write about your favorite topics and still generate some income. You can even ghostwrite e-books for other Internet marketers. Once you have the skill to write an ebook, you will find there is a huge market for people to do just this sort of thing. Ebook ghostwriting can pay many hundreds of dollars for just one book, and some freelance writers specialize in this area because it is so profitable.

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